
After installation scikit-validate will provide several commands, all starting with sv_:


The first subcommand will simply record the file size of a given file and record it in a JSON file:

sv_file_info --help
Usage: sv_file_info [OPTIONS] [INPUT_FILES]...

Script to record file metrics.

For testing pick or create a file:

  # create 10 MB file     dd if=/dev/zero of=test.file bs=10485760
  count=1     sv_add_file_metrics test.file -m metrics.json

If the output file, default metrics.json, already exists it will be read
first and results will be appended.

-m, --metrics-file TEXT  file for JSON output
--help                   Show this message and exit.


This subcommand will execute the parameters passed to it as a shell command and monitor its resource usage. At the moment only (simple) CPU time and RAM usage are supported:

sv_execute --help
Usage: sv_execute [OPTIONS] COMMAND

  Command that wraps and monitors another command.

  For testing install 'stress' package and run

      sv_execute -m resource_metrics.json -- \
            stress --cpu 1 --io 1 --vm 1 --vm-bytes 128M --timeout 10s --verbose

  If the output file, default resource_metrics.json, already exists it will
  be read first and results will be appended.

  If a single string argument is provided as the command then it will be
  split using white-space, however if multiple arguments are provided then
  no additional splitting is performed.  In this case though, use `--`
  before the command so that options are passed to the command, rather than
  this script.

    -m, --metrics-file PATH
    --memprof-file PATH
    --sample-interval FLOAT  Sampling period (in seconds), defaults to 0.1
    --help                   Show this message and exit.


Reads the ENV variable in a Gitlab CI job and constructs a URL for a given existing file or folder.


sv_get_artefact_url output/test_file

will return ${CI_PROJECT_URL}/-/jobs/${CI_JOB_ID}/artifacts/file/output/test_file


sv_get_artefact_url output

will return ${CI_PROJECT_URL}/-/jobs/${CI_JOB_ID}/artifacts/browse/output


Script to extract the target branch for a given project and commit hash.

Meant to be run within a Gitlab CI job and needs the following ENV variables defined:
  • CI_PROJECT_ID (automatic from CI job)

  • CI_COMMIT_SHA (automatic from CI job)

  • CI_API_TOKEN (to be set in the Gitlab project: settings -> pipelines -> add variable)

Related issue:


Merges dictionaries in <N>JSON files into one output file. Uses dict.update() → last occurrence of a key will take precedence. Usage:

sv_merge_json [OPTIONS] [INPUT_FILES]... OUTPUT


Removes a path from an environment variable, e.g.

sv_remove_from_env /a/b/c:/a/b/d:/d/b/a /a/b

will result in /d/b/a. Recommended use is to clean up ENV variables:

PATH=`sv_remove_from_env /a/b/c:/a/b/d:/d/b/a /a/b`



  Display the difference between two metric (JSON) files.

  Examples:     sv_metric_diff
  skvalidate/data/examples/performance_metrics*.json     sv_metric_diff

  -o, --output-format [console|csv|markdown]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Example output:

sv_metric_diff skvalidate/data/examples/file_metrics*
| file                                    | metric     |   value |   ref value |   diff |   diff_pc | unit   |
| continuous_integration_101.bin          | size_in_mb |    81   |        39.6 |   41.4 |  104.545  | MB     |
| continuous_integration_101.root         | size_in_mb |    14.3 |         9.4 |    4.9 |   52.1277 | MB     |
| continuous_integration_101_mctruth.root | size_in_mb |    90.3 |        31.9 |   58.4 |  183.072  | MB     |


Calculates the difference between two ROOT ( files. If a difference is present, the command will create plots for the distributions that differ.:

sv_root_diff file_under_test reference_file --out-dir <path to output folder (for plots etc)>

Example output 1 - test.a only exists in the reference file:


Example output 2 - test.y exists in both, but different random seed:



Show information about content of a ROOT file. Will display type and uproot intepretation if available.

sv_root_info tests/samples/test_1.root
|    | name          | type      | interpretation            |   compressedbytes |   uncompressedbytes | hasStreamer   | uproot_readable   | is_empty   |
|  0 | test;1.i      | int32_t   | AsDtype('>i4')            |             14157 |               40000 | False         | True              | False      |
|  1 | test;1.string | char*     | AsStrings()               |             54474 |               90040 | False         | True              | False      |
|  2 | test;1.v      | float[10] | AsDtype("('>f4', (10,))") |            371067 |              400000 | False         | True              | False      |
|  3 | test;1.x      | float     | AsDtype('>f4')            |             37173 |               40000 | False         | True              | False      |
|  4 | test;1.y      | float     | AsDtype('>f4')            |             37380 |               40000 | False         | True              | False      |
|  5 | test;1.z      | float     | AsDtype('>f4')            |             37276 |               40000 | False         | True              | False      |

The command will store the output table as root_info.csv by default.

sv_root_info --help
Usage: sv_root_info [OPTIONS] INPUT_FILE

  Read a ROOT file and reports information about its content (names, sizes,

  -o, --output-file PATH  CSV output file for information
  --show-unreadable       print the file entries that uproot cannot read
  --show-empty            print the file entries that are empty
  -q, --quiet             print only failures
  --help                  Show this message and exit.


scikit-validate version: 0.3.7

sv_version --plain



Runs clang-tidy in parallel for the code base:

run-clang-tidy <path to code base>